* Who's Who in Genoa City: Esther Valentine | The Young and the Restless on Soap Central
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Esther Valentine
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Actor History
November 1985 to Present
Other Names



Estate manager of the Chancellor estate

Former barista at Crimson Lights

Former maid for Jill at the Chancellor estate

Trained alcohol abuse councilor

Formerly Katherine Chancellor's maid

Starred in theater production of Streetcar Named Desire.


The Chancellor estate

Marital Status


Past Marriages

Norman Peterson [Married: 1994; invalid]

Roger Wilkes [Married: Feb 23, 2009; invalid]




Kate Tina Valentine a.k.a. Chloe Mitchell (daughter with Tiny; born 1990)

Cordelia Katherine Valentine Abbott (deceased granddaughter, by Kate/Chloe with Billy Abbott)

Bella Mitchell Fisher (granddaughter born 2015, by Kate/Chloe with Kevin Fisher)

Miles Mitchell (grandson born Oct 4, 2020, by Chloe with Kevin Fisher

Flings & Affairs

Tommy Cassidy (first love when she was 10 and he 11)

A man who took her to Vegas and gambled away all her money.

Miguel Rodriguez

Tiny the Plumber

Norman Peterson

Roger Wilkes

Crimes Committed


Brief Character History

Esther has been Katherine's maid and loyal friend for nearly 20 years. Known for her ditzy comic relief, Esther can never quite get anything right. When the doorbell rings, she's usually missing, so Kay has to answer it herself. She even accidentally started a fire in the kitchen that nearly burned the place down. But Esther's entire life appears to be dedicated to loyally serving Katherine.

Only once in 1989 did Esther leave Kay's employ when she was lured away by the newly rich widow Nina Webster Chancellor. Esther had been caring for Nina's baby son Phillip and loved him, and if she left the Chancellor mansion with Nina she could continue be with him. Nina also promised her she would never have to wear her maid's uniform again, she would help Esther find a guy, and they would be more companions that employer/employee. One evening when Nina and Esther were out on the town, Esther met a big guy named Tiny in a bar. She and Tiny had a one-night stand, but Esther was sure it was love. When he never contacted her again, she realized all she knew about him was his nickname Tiny and that he was a plumber. Nina wasn't keeping any of her promises, so Esther tried to get her job back with Kay, but Kay had hired a couple to replace her named Robert and Shirley.

Katherine's husband Rex's former cellmate, Clint Radison, found a woman named Marge Catrooke working at a diner who was a dead ringer for Kay. He and his cohorts Morey and Lil who went to work for Kay as houseman Robert and maid Shirley, trained Marge to pass for Kay, then held captive Kay and Esther, who just happened to be with Kay when they kidnapped her. Meanwhile Marge sold Chancellor Industries, drove Rex away, and he filed for divorce, intending to marry Jill. Clint was now free to liquidate the rest of Kay's assets. But son Brock made a surprise return from his missions in India. Brock, with the help of Mitchell Sherman, discovered the ruse, and rescued Kay and Esther, who discovered she was pregnant by Tiny. Marge got to know Kay and also tried to help her to get away. Clint and his cohorts went to prison, but Marge was released as an innocent dupe, thanks to Katherine's intervention. Once her baby was born, she was named Kate, after Esther's dear friend and employer Katherine. Kay and Rex were reunited and re-married, and would have lived happily ever after if it were not for Esther's poor choice in men. Esther answered a personal ad and met con man Norman Peterson. In an effort to impress him she posed as lady of the manor, and Kay and Rex went along with it and dressed up as her servants. Norman coerced Esther into convincing Kay to include her in her will and to marry him. Kay and Rex were suspicious so arranged a fake wedding. Then, not content to wait for Kay to die to be rich, Norman was caught by Rex breaking into the estate safe. Rex was shot and killed in the altercation, leaving Kay devastated! Norman was arrested for murder and Esther has since been forgiven and named in Katherine's will. Esther's daughter Kate later attended boarding school courtesy of Katherine Chancellor.

Jill Abbott and Kay Chancellor have hated each other since the days when Jill stole Kay's husband Phillip. The next chapter in their saga began with Jill finding a deed and letter declaring Phillip's love and giving her the Chancellor Estate. Jill used these and the crossed out Chancellor divorce property settlement to sue Kay in court, won 1/2 of the estate, and moved back in permanently where she and Esther fought on a daily basis.

Esther is quite the cook, but in recent years has gotten into health foods, and has been torturing Kay, Brock, Jill, and Kay's friends with them instead. Kay puts up with it, but occasionally insists Esther cook "real food." Esther has gotten "online" with her laptop, and her screen name is Clean Queen. Esther's daughter Kate is currently attending boarding school courtesy of Kay Chancellor.

Years later Kay had a stroke when she realized that the baby she gave up many years ago was now her own worst enemy Jill! Esther and Jill were left to care for Kay who could not move or talk from the stroke. As Kay got better, she didn't let Jill know, testing her to see if just maybe she might care for her like a mother. But eventually Kay showed Jill she was nearly back to normal, and Jill was able to begin to come to grips with how she really feels about Kay being her mother. Jill and Kay fought over the disruption of having Esther around, so Kay and Esther moved into the Genoa City Hotel to give Jill some space. But both later moved back to the mansion.

Esther became a trained alcohol abuse councilor after Katherine fell off the wagon again. With the help of Esther, Jill and Judge Arthur Hendricks (and a post death visit from Rex and young Phillip) they were able to get Kay to check in to rehab and Kay is now back living at the Chancellor Estate clean and sober.

The yearly Charity Gala, organized in 2008 by Sabrina and Victoria under the watchful eye of Kay Chancellor, was in full swing with all the Genoa City regulars attending in cocktail party attire. Devon and Ana entertained singing with a chorus. Chloe chose the occasion to announce her pregnancy by Cane just as Cane was proposing to Lily. Lily insisted on a prenatal paternity test, and when it came back not ruling out Cane as the father, she gave Cane back his ring and told him he should marry the mother of his child instead. Cane gave Chloe the ring and moved her into the back room of his house, claiming to be doing it for the child. Chloe began flaunting the ring and her pregnancy with a Chancellor heir all around Genoa City. Cane and Chloe were married by a Justice of the Peace. His mother Jill and Grandmother Kay decided to make the best of it since Cane had just been named CEO of Jabot and renamed their engagement party to a wedding reception. Chloe played sick to not attend, but Cane discovered her lie. But when Chloe showed up with Cane, Esther was shocked to find that Chloe was actually her daughter Kate! Even Kay was amazed, remembering Kate as a blonde, 30 pounds overweight, with glasses.

Chloe told Cane that her father rejected her mother before she was born. She had this worn dirty stuffed giraffe named Elmer she carried around until her mother changed out her room when she became a teen throwing out everything she loved, replacing it with a white bear. She told how she was stuck in boarding school and was ashamed of her mother being a maid. She had legally changed her name before her arrival in Genoa City. Cane is mostly tolerating Chloe and still pining for Lily. Chloe told Esther she would never get over her resentment for being shipped off to boarding school all her life, but Esther said she did it for her own good, so she wouldn't end up like her. Chloe told her that a guy who was selfish, arrogant, and unfaithful broke her heart (obviously Billy) and she would never love anyone else again, including Cane. From flashbacks it is obvious that Billy is the father of Chloe’s baby and that she set up their first meeting in New York City. They had an affair, she got into his email, discovered that he cheated on her breaking her heart, then she stalked him. Yet Billy was still her occasional “booty call” up until she discovered she was pregnant. Billy confronted Chloe accusing her of just wanting to bag a Chancellor.

Esther was very concerned about Kay Chancellor, as signs suggested she was drinking again. One night Kay disappeared and Jill and Nikki went looking for her. Actually Kay was secretly taking Marge to rehab, but they were in a bad car accident on the way. Kay was thrown clear, but Marge was found dead in the car by Nikki and Jill. Not knowing about Marge's reappearance, they assumed it was Kay's body. A funeral was held, and several people from Kay's past attended; her son Brock, her late grandson Phillip's wife Nina, her step-son and daughter Danny and Gina, her attorney Mitchell, and her old friends Liz Foster, Traci and Ashley, and Dina Mergeron. Daniel sketched a picture of Kay which was framed on her casket.

Kay's will was read, and Brock received one percent of her billion-dollar-plus assets in trust to continue his good works and was named Chairman of the Chancellor Foundation. Her step-children Gina and Danny received a one-half of one percent in cash. Esther received one tenth of one percent and Kay’s half of the estate, so that Esther could live her life in financial freedom. Nikki received all of Katherine's jewelry, including a family heirloom emerald and diamond ring given to Kay by her mother. Grandchildren Cane, Billy, McKenzie, and Phillip received one-quarter of one percent in trust. Katherine left one fifth of one percent to Amber, so that she and Daniel could pursue their artistic goals, and gave Amber the sole rights to her memoirs, which Jill had forbidden her to publish. Jill was left the remainder of the assets, all but five percent of Kay's Jabot stock. That five percent, in addition to a Ming vase, was left to Gloria as both were given to her by John Abbott. Jill was livid, knowing that the Chancellors now were no longer majority stockholders. Chloe announced that her baby was going to be a girl and her middle name would be Katherine.

Esther and Jill had a rough time getting used to being housemates rather than maid and owner, but Esther held her ground. Meanwhile Kay was found by Marge's friend Murphy lying by the creek near the accident. He took her home to his house trailer and nursed her back to health. But Kay's memory is fuzzy, and she is trying to be Marge, working at the diner, and trying to remember her life. One day Kay fell on the ice at Murphy's, hit her head, and when she came to, partial memories began returning. She suddenly declared to Murphy that she was actually Katherine Chancellor. Murph didn't believe her but found the obituary with a photo that looked like Marge and the story of the accident which occurred near where he found her. Sad that it meant his friend Marge was probably dead instead, he agreed to accompany her to the mansion. Murphy felt uncomfortable there and left Kay expecting to be welcomed from the daughter she remembered as Jill. But Jill refused to believe Kay with her very little memory intact, called the police and had her thrown in jail. While visiting his mother in jail, Kevin Fisher met the woman posing as Kay. He believed her, and Kevin and Jana, joining forces with Amber and Daniel, bailed her out of jail and hired Michael to represent her to prove that she is Katherine.

Meanwhile, Gina's ex-husband Clint got out of prison and returned to Genoa City plotting to get some of the Chancellor fortune. Clint found out that Katherine was assumed dead, and that Esther inherited one tenth of one percent of Kay's assets and Kay’s half of the mansion. But he also heard the rumor that it was Marge who was killed, and Kay is trying to get everyone to believe she is still alive, so he instructed his cohort Roger Wilkes to woo Esther and marry her as fast as possible or he may have to do something to keep Kay from "coming back from the dead". Clint kidnapped Kay just before the DNA results were due. Kay told Clint that she remembered kneeing him in the groin after she was freed from the first kidnapping, which temporarily convinced Clint that she was Kay and not Marge. But surprisingly, the DNA results between Kay and Jill did not match - which means Kay and Jill are not mother and daughter after all? Then Roger and Esther's marriage plans were delayed when her daughter went into labor at the Abbott cabin at Twin Lakes and nearly died from loss of blood and septicemia. But a week later with Chloe and baby doing fine, Roger surprised Esther with a Justice of the Peace and impromptu wedding in her hospital room. The next day Chloe admitted to Esther that the baby was not Cane's. Then when Billy showed up, Esther realized he was Cordelia's father. Unknown to them, Cane contacted Michael to get custody of Cordelia, and Billy contacted Rafe to see what his rights were too. Since Cane was divorcing Chloe and they had nowhere to go, Esther brought Chloe and her granddaughter home to the estate, and Jill offered them space in her wing so she could be closer to her granddaughter. Jill gave Esther the results of Paul's investigation proving Roger was a bigamist who made a living marrying rich women, but Esther would not believe it. Meanwhile back at the hotel, Kay's captor Annie was reading Katherine's book and admiring her. Kay began to convince her that she was really Katherine, and that Annie was being used by Clint and Roger - to which Annie admitted that she was the first Mrs. Roger Wilkes. Roger left the estate, and Esther followed him to the hotel where they were holding Kay. Roger walked in on an untied Kay, who had just convinced Annie to leave with her. Esther walked in and joyfully realized Kay was still alive. The three women were about to leave as Clint arrived, stopped and threatened them. Meanwhile, Amber and Kevin realized that the first letter of every sentence of the note "Marge" left when she disappeared spelled out CLINT. Clint met Amber hoping to convince her that he had witnessed Kay leaving town. As Clint left the bar, Gina spotted him and warned Amber and Kevin that he was her dangerous scammer ex-husband. Kevin and Amber tracked him down to the hotel where he was holding Kay and Esther, but Annie bluffed them into leaving. Kevin returned later, and Clint captured him too. Clint, Annie and Roger left Kay and Esther in the hotel room with a bomb rigged to go off, drugging and framing Kevin for it, and taking him along locked in the trunk of the car. Amber and Gloria arrived in time to untie Kay and Esther, the bomb went off, but no one was seriously hurt. Thanks to the jolt of the bomb blast, Kay’s memory returned, and her memory of Nikki calling drunk from Mexico when she thought Victor was dead managed to convince Nikki that she was really Kay. Together they connived to get a bit of Jill’s hair for another DNA test but it too proved no match to Kay’s DNA. Another DNA test proved that the body in the grave was not a match to Jill either.

In April of 2009, after Brock let her know that Katherine was alive, Mac showed up at the Chancellor mansion just in time for Billy's marriage to Chloe. It had also just been disclosed by blood tests that Jill was not Katherine's daughter after all, which meant that Billy and Mac were not related either. It was quite obvious that both had never gotten over each other, and Billy only married Chloe because they had a baby together. They were later divorced, and Chloe and her daughter Delia moved back to the Chancellor Estate. Esther enjoys having them so close after all those years apart and dotes on her granddaughter Delia.

Eighty year old Katherine married Patrick “Murph” Murphy in the Chancellor garden in a service officiated by her son Brock. Nikki was matron of honor, Victor best man (because Kevin was still locked up), Amber and Mac were bridesmaids. Ana sang “Let Met Call you Sweetheart”, and the catering was by Joe’s Diner, complete with chicken nuggets. Amber designed Kay’s white lace suit dress, and Nikki caught the bouquet. Nina showed up in time to catch Jill arriving drunk, and locked her in a closet before she could make a scene. Lauren arrived soon after, and let Jill out, but Cane made her sit down and shut up during the ceremony. But afterward Billy and Cane had to drag Jill out while she raved at Kay.

After Katherine's successful brain tumor surgery, she and Murphy vacationed at Lake Louise, then took a trip around the world. Three months later at 8:00 P.M. during an ominous thunderstorm, Jill, Victor and Nikki, Cane and Lily, Esther, Chloe, Devon, and Kevin gathered in the Chancellor living room having each received instructions by mysterious postcards from Katherine which arrived from locations around the world. Murphy finally arrived alone and told them what an exhilarating trip they had taken, hitting all the famous locations on Katherine's "bucket list", even including a ride on the world's tallest wooden roller coaster in Germany, dancing the flamenco in Barcelona, and zip-lining in the Sacred Valley. He said that their final stop had been Hong Kong where they met up with Tucker for dinner, which was cordial, almost pleasant. Afterward Murphy and Katherine had sung together in a karaoke bar and gotten a standing ovation, but later that same night Katherine had died in her sleep. Everyone was shocked and saddened by the news. Murphy admitted that the doctors had told Katherine that she did not have long live, so she had decided to take the trip. Jill reacted accusing her of being selfish because she had told them that she had been cured. Murphy asked everyone to forgive her and to remember the love and special moments that she had shared with each of them. As each of them had their own memory, Esther recalled how Katherine was there for her at the birth of her baby. Murphy gave Nikki a letter to read aloud that Katherine had penned for them which asked them to remember her spirit of hope and determination in life, not her death. It ended with "You are not getting rid of me this easily. I will still be watching from another room." When Jill reread this line the next day, a book suddenly fell from the mantle onto the floor, and Jill believed that it was true. Later Murphy distributed envelopes with personal messages to each. Katherine told Esther that she had been a lousy maid, but was much more - her protector, truth-teller, confidant, and part of her family. Days later when Katherine's will was read, Esther, who was expecting to inherit the mansion, was bequeathed $20,000 a month so long as she stayed on and cared for mansion. But she was cheered when Jill was left only Katherine's half of the mansion, and a mysterious music box.

It was only a couple months later that Delia, Esther's seven year old granddaughter, was killed by a hit and run driver. Esther was devastated and took to her bed.

Jill insisted on getting the family together for Thanksgiving in the tradition of Katherine. Murphy was unable to attend, but Esther, Chloe, Kevin, and Lauren felt comforted by knowing that Katherine and Delia were together. Jill asked Esther to bring in the turkey, but Esther had not made anything because Jill had told her she was taking care of all the details. So they ate Chinese takeout instead. Each one read their fortunes, and Esther's was "An angel is watching over you."

After Katherine and Delia's deaths, Jill's attitude toward Esther seemed to soften. Esther was not thrilled when Jill returned from a trip to search for clues behind the music box with her new husband Colin Atkinson. Jill assured her that it was only an arranged marriage to get more information on the music box. But Jill eventually succumbed to Colin's charms, and Esther screamed when she walked in on them necking on the couch.

In August 2014, Murphy returned to the Chancellor estate with more instructions left by Katherine before she died telling them to celebrate the anniversary of her death with a party. All her old friends were there, including Nina who came from California. Following a tradition Katherine had learned in her bucket list travels, each guest wrote on paper their desires and fears, then the papers were lit on fire, in hopes of clarifying them, or to imagine her giving them the advice she knew they were missing from her. Esther wrote, admitting that she was putting up with Jill just fine, but that the house was not the same without Katherine in it.

In August 2015, Esther remarked at Devon and Hilary's wedding, that nothing was the same without Katherine.

When Jill returned from and extended trip to Hong Kong a month later for the second anniversary memorial to Katherine which was held in the park bearing her name, Esther told Jill that Colin had been making illicit advances toward her, which Colin denied, but Esther said she had had enough and moved out of the Chancellor estate. Esther confided this in Dylan, and he offered her a job working at Crimson Lights. She also told him how she had overheard Colin blackmailing Devon again. Esther continues to work the counter at Crimson Lights, appearing more competent than one would expect. She also dispenses words of wisdom to Genoa City residents from memories of the words of Katherine Chancellor.

In July 2016, Esther was surprised by Chloe who had moved back to Genoa City, claiming to have been released and cured of her consuming hate. Chloe surprised Esther by introducing her to her granddaughter, Bella. Chloe reunited with Kevin, and she began acting like her old self.

Esther was put in charge of the Crimson Lights annual Thanksgiving Feed the Homeless event, and did a great job. When Jill showed up to help, Esther took great satisfaction in being able to boss her around and made her wear a hairnet.

Saying she missed it, Esther suddenly returned to being a maid to Jill and Billy and to live at the Chancellor estate. She and Jill formed a love/hate relationship like Jill had once had with Mrs. Chancellor. Esther walked in on Jill gasping and yelling at Colin who had just cleaned out all of Jill's assets. Colin admitted that he had done it to get in on a big deal, and Jill tossed him out in the cold, yanking his bathrobe off as she shut the door. Esther called Billy, telling him that Jill was having a heart attack. Jill refused to believe it until she woke up from surgery after stints had been inserted to correct the 80-100% blockage of her heart valves. She was shocked when her doctor told her she had to change her lifestyle completely, cut back her work schedule, no stress and no alcohol. Esther and Billy assured the doctor that Jill would comply. Billy and Esther banned Colin from visiting Jill, packed up his things, and threw him out of the estate.

Esther was thrilled when Chloe and Kevin announced they were remarrying. The wedding was held at the Chancellor mansion with Michael as best man, and Chelsea stood up for her best friend Chloe, with Bella tossing rose petals down the aisle. But when rings were about to be exchanged, Chloe suddenly ran from the room, and Chelsea followed. A while later, Father Todd announced that the wedding was off. Kevin and Father Todd found Chelsea unconscious on the floor and Chloe missing. When Chelsea came to, she told them that she had found Adam's ring in Chloe's dresser drawer and had substituted if for the one Chloe intended to give Kevin, proving Nick's theory that Chloe had murdered Adam a year ago. Chloe had admitted it when confronted by Chelsea, then knocked Chelsea out and fled. Kevin was devastated and in disbelief. Chloe left a note for Kevin saying she was in trouble and had to leave, that Kevin always brought out the best in her, but she was not good enough for him. Esther was devastated, and promised Bella she would take care of her. A few days later, both Kevin and Billy received at note from Chloe telling each that they may be Bella's father. A DNA test confirmed that Kevin was. Kevin decided that Bella would live with him, and Esther was very happy about it. Then Kevin suddenly left town, saying he needed to get his head together. He returned announcing that he and Bella were moving to Oregon to get a new start away from the haunting memories of Chloe. Kevin and Bella have returned a couple of times since then.

In 2019 Adam Newman returned to Genoa City very much alive. And Chloe returned to break it to her mother that she was still alive as well and had been living with Kevin and Bella in Portland. Esther was overjoyed, and agreed to keep her secret, but returned with Chloe and Bella to Portland. Michael arranged to get Chloe probation and out-patient treatment on an arson charge, and they promised to stay out of trouble. Chloe, Kevin and Bella moved into the Chancellor estate with Esther.

Kevin and Chloe 2019 holiday get-together to announce that they were pregnant. Young Bella popped in and spoiled their news. Esther already knew and was elated. She also mentioned that she was using a new dating app. Chloe was put on bedrest, with Kevin and Esther waiting on her hand and foot. Esther went crazy buying stuff for the baby, while Kevin worried that he would pass on the genes of Terrible Tom to their son. Their baby was born and they bought a house and moved out of the estate a year later. Chance and Abby were married and moved into the estate.

Chloe helped Esther punch up her online dating profile and Esther started seeing Dwight, who did marketing for Countess Green cleaning supplies.

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